• The American Heritage poster highlights black powder ammunition used by the American Rifleman and US Military from 1776 to roughly 1885 when the conversion was made to smokeless powder. Flags from the civil war era are also displayed in the background.

    Includes all versions of musket ball, paper and combustibles, and self contained black powder munitions that were actually used by the US military - including Confederate and Union Civil War ammunition.

    • Size: 38" wide by 27" tall
    • Not a standard poster size. If framing, look for an extra large frame that can be found at local craft stores or online.
    • Over 280 photographed cartridges, paper and combustibles, and projectiles.
    • Full color images - all Life Size (within 4/1000 of an inch)
    • Heavy duty - 100lb poster paper with High Gloss finish.
    • Proudly made in America
  • Cartridges include:

    Sharps Bullard Ballard Winchester
    Burnside Roberts Remington Spencer
    Hepburn Colt Stevens Dangerfield
    Thuers Snyder Maynard Mississippi Rifle
    Roper Wesson Schofield Smith & Wesson
    Peabody MEIGS Longoria US Carbine

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